Natural Enviroment
Vegetation- No species of plant or animal may be introduced without
authorization. Plants should not be desturbed. Some plants on the island are very restricted in distribution.Since such plants
generally occur in sites with lusher and wetter vegetation, it is necessary to minimize activities in such areas. You should
always walk on existing horse paths when possible.
Birds- Sable Island is a migratory bird sanctuary with protection
for all migratory birds, their nests, their eggs, and their habitat.
Horses-The horses of Sable are protected by law. They must not be interfered
with or harassed. Horses must not be fed.
Grey Seals: These are the most common and breed in January and Febuary. More than 50,000
pups are born every year. During the summer their numbers are reduced but they are still common.
Harbour Seals: These sre also year round residents but are less numeropus than grey seals. They breed
in May and June. This population is in decline and it's important to avoid disturbing them. These seals bite, so watch it!
Sharks- There are 18 varieties of sharks on the Scotian shelf. The beach
contains many carcasses of seals that have been killed by sharks. Surfer beware!